Tuesday, January 17

This time of year...

        This is my least favorite time of the year. For the teachers, we arrive back from vacation in the States or wherever to another 2 weeks of first semester classes. We rush around writing finals, preparing study guides, and getting in grades. The administration however, is already focused on the following academic year. My head automatically says, “Wait. Hold up. Let me at least make it through half the year before you start bombarding me with scheduling questions and stressing me out with who needs to be hired. My mind’s on giving finals.” However, you just have to suck it up and start planning ahead. For the director, he has a big job fair in Mississippi (where I was hired) the second week of February and wants to have a good idea of what next year will look like before hiring new teachers. It’s understandable...just unfortunate that it happens so early.

    Next year is bringing a lot of change our school and I’m not gonna lie, I’m nervous. We lose almost every elementary teacher, two of them being my roommates, which means a lot of new faces next year. New teachers are exciting, but definitely change the atmosphere of the school and having about half being new will bring a different sort of environment to the school. I trust that the Lord has great teachers in mind and they’ll be great, but it’s definitely something to keep in your prayers.

    As far as classes go, I’m excited for a change. I give up my cranky 11th Pre-Calculus students and my two sweet Geometry students in exchange for 2 Calculus students and 4 Algebra 2’s. The other two classes are full year (7th/8th). It’ll be fun and I’m looking forward to interacting with these kids again. They’re a great group and enjoy math. 

   I am working on paperwork for a visa here through the school and am close to finishing things up on my end. The school still has paperwork to do so I’m not sure when everything will get sent in but I hope to have a visa before the end of the school year. 

   Slowly starting ministries back up again. We had a Fusion game night where we dressed in all one color and played Just Dance on the Wii. English Club starts again this Thursday and we met today to discuss changes we’d like to make. I’m singing in church on Sunday and hope to play piano again soon. I also continue to tutor 2 days a week and mentor a student on Fridays. 

   I continue to have health issues with my joints and hands. The pain has lessened since December but is still present. I’ve been to the doctor several times and go back again on Thursday after having had some tests done. We’re guessing it’s a combination of carpal tunnel and arthritis...not fun. The doctor wants to rule out other possibilities and ran a full blood test. I’m thankful to have great insurance here and be able to find rides to the doctor and get this taken care of. It’s made sleeping difficult, waking up with pain in my shoulders, but it’s been better the last few days. I’ll let you (or at least my mom, and then you can ask her) know when we get a diagnosis. 

   I’m getting excited for my parents to visit in February! Can’t stop planning out in my head what we should do and where we should go. Less than a month away!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, just read this. Good to hear the update and hope things are getting a little brighter. Not long until your parents visit!! Yeah!! :)
