Tuesday, April 5

Delta Photos!!

All our luggage and donations!

Moving dirt at Peter’s house

Ready to get off the boat and be in Arature

The poop toilet. You can even have someone join you if you like!

Getting ready to use it for the first time. :-)

Olivander and Jessica...He was so precious. 

Showering with river water and a bucket.

Pretty sunset off the dock of the mission house

My pretty pink mosquito netting to keep out the bugs and spiders. Slept like a baby!

Kid’s Club in the church

Combing lice out of the kid’s hair. I felt so bad...it must have hurt.

Natalie getting chloro water to cook with at the mission house

My buddy Olivander

Precious little girls who only spoke Warwao

Eugenia cleaning wounds at Cura

A view of one of the houses...no walls, no door, but hey they have parrots!

The bucket to flush the toilet

All the kids after making lion faces

Jessica canoeing with 2 of the Warwao girls

Little Jessica and her pasta necklace
Leaving the community...thankful for a great trip!


  1. Laura, your pictures are amazing. I loved, loved, loved getting a vision for where you were at and the people you were able to minister to you. THANK YOU for posting. I know it takes time, but we love it!

  2. Thanks for sharing about your trip. What a blessing for you to be a part of this ministry. Keep the updates coming.

  3. I feel like that poop toilet could have been very useful at the Villa...given our normal methods for going to the bathroom...or maybe that was just those of us using the little bathroom...either way...I can envision us having a good time on that bad boy. Your pictures look amazing! It's so great to see you doing such amazing work for the Lord!

    Praying for you always dear Laura! Miss you tons!

  4. Loved seeing photos! Thanks for sharing...

  5. I am so impressed...I felt great joy as I looked at the pictures of you and your surroundings. You are in my prayers. The pictures were a blessing!
