Sunday, February 13

Some Success Stories

While I don’t want to give you the impression that everything is perfect in Venezuela, that I never struggle, or make mistakes as a first year teacher, I have been having some success lately in the classroom and wanted to share that with you.

Pre-Algebra (7th graders):

I have a student who does not speak English in this class. While she has the sweetest disposition ever, she has no idea what I’m saying during class. Even though she is going to repeat the grade, I still wanted her to experience some success in my class. So I have been using note outlines for the class. This gives her blanks and examples to look for as I’m teaching and keeps her engaged in class. Plus, it’s good for my other students too.
This was set up...I don’t actually let my students do this. :-)

Geometry (9th graders):

We are beginning to write proofs now in this class (I’m sure half the people who read this just gasped inside remembering your terrible experiences with proofs). Right now we’re talking about syllogisms and how to construct logic “If-then” statements. We came up with this silly example which is in fact true in my classroom. To explain, one of my students (Eduardo) always prefaces his questions in class by saying “something” or “question.” And every time he does it, I can’t help but giggle, which then makes the whole class laugh...hence the “If-then” statement below. Also, several of the students in this class are known for their lack of commitment to school work. However, I have had zero issues with them this year. They are engaged in class and completing all their work. I am so thankful!

Calculus (my lonely 12th grader):

I was so nervous about teaching this class but it has turned out to be my favorite. Lisa is like a sponge and soaks up everything I’m saying. We spent two days learning how to write formal, epislon-delta, advanced calculus type proofs of limits and she loved it. We were so proud of ourselves that we both took a picture of the board. I continually find myself using teaching techniques from my awesome math teacher in high school. One of these is called “the math dance” and it involves me being ridiculous but modeling through dance the various types of functions. And last week I got Lisa to participate in it...success! 

Natalie completely revamped our Friday night Youth called Fuzion. Friday was the first night of a normal schedule. It was a hit! We did skits, played a fun game where kids painted with their noses, and sang songs. We had a great turnout and are excited for the future and growth of this ministry. 


  1. I am ashamed to say I understood absolutely zero of the math stuff you were talking about.....But I'm glad to hear of your teaching successes. Great feeling, isn't it. So glad God is blessing your efforts there.

  2. we were that lonely 12th grader once. i bet you're doing an awesome job with her. and everyone, really. you just come alive when you talk about your students and your work down there. i can't wait to talk to you soon!
