Sunday, October 17!

Good friends...thanks Amyi for taking the picture even though it meant you couldn't be in it.

Look how beautiful the city is! View from the teleferrico. 

All prepped to go pick up Daniela at the bus stop...she came to make arepas with us.

I did my best to capture the deluge of water that is currently on the streets as we went to pick up Daniela. Check out my favorite panaderia!

Our friend Daniela that we met at a salsa class....she came over to teach us to make arepas. 

Some of my students on the way to camp. 

Our friend Manuel at the market...he gives us free bananas every Sunday.

Part of our super awesome pool in Panama. 

Laying out in our backyard.

So excited to have Mexican Panama!

A beach in Panama. 

The Panama Canal...looks like a river right?

Just a few of the many barios (poor homes) in Caracas.

My beautiful city of Caracas....taken from the van window because having a camera out is dangerous. 

Working hard....we were actually playing Jeopardy.

Algebra 2 much personality in that class!

Sad...this is how Michelle was feeling about math that day.

Homemade tortillas..mmm!

This is how we roll! Natalie on the left and Kayla in the middle. 


  1. great photos! thanks for sharing.

  2. Awesome! I love seeing pictures. That pool in Panama looks like it was great ; )

  3. Love all the pictures!!!
