Thursday, January 13


It’s amazing how a few short weeks of respite and reflection can become an opportunity God uses for renewal. I am so thankful for the opportunity to see family and friends, and for the conversations I was able to have.

Being back in Caracas, I feel renewed both in purpose and in practice. My times spent in the Word and in prayer have been sweet and leave me wanting more. I feel a renewed call to serve Him here in Venezuela, working with these students and seeking opportunities to witness in this community. God has also granted me a patience and a peace in waiting for His plans to unfold in my life. While I know God can use me anywhere, I am thankful to be here in Venezuela, serving these students and building relationships with those around me. 

This is the last week of the current semester. We are in the middle of finals and planning for the new classes and new students that next semester will bring. I am excited for this change, but also feel cheated out of precious weeks with my current students. However, most of them will be in my class next year and I still get to interact with them during the day. After my finals today, I gave my students a survey about the class to complete. The feedback I got regarding myself as their teacher and my class was really encouraging. While they may not all want to become mathematicians, they told me that they appreciate me and taught them well. I’m reveling in this as long as possible because it’s not often that I get this positive of a response from them. 

Please keep my dear friend Marisol in your prayers. I mentioned her in the last post, how she lost her home and all her possessions to the flood. She is currently living in a refuge center with her son and I found out today that there are over 300 other people living there. She said that getting food or using the bathroom is difficult because of the long lines of people. She has no funds to build a new house and is waiting on the government to restore her old home, with no idea of when that will be. Whenever I ask her how she is doing, she smiles and though I can see the heartache in her eyes, she always replies that God is good. Today I got to have a longer conversation with her and came away so blessed by her attitude and spirit. Though she has lost everything, she is trusting in her Savior to provide and says that God already knows and has taken care of all her needs. I can’t imagine being in her position, with no husband to lead and care for her. However, she is fully relying on the Lord. 

Two additional requests. Continue praying for the spiritual condition of the students here. Also, we do not have a science teacher for next semester, which starts on Tuesday. We have options and our director is following up on some leads so please pray that one of these works out. We trust that God will provide. 

Spanish word of the day: “Epa chama (or chamo for males)!” which means “Hey girl (or boy).” I found myself using this a ridiculous amount. 

1 comment:

  1. epa chama! i love it. i'm going to start using it. just because i am, in fact, a copycat. i loved catching up with you while you were in the states. and i am so confident that life in venezuela will treat you well and that, yes, plans will unfold how God wants them to. i love you!
