Monday, November 1

Prayer Requests


Here are a few ways that you can remember me in your prayers. I know many of you are praying for me and I appreciate it very much.

1) It is a speaking week for me. On Sunday I gave my testimony in church with a translator. Thursday, Natalie and I are teaching our 2nd English Club at UCV. Since most of the people from last week spoke very little English, we are preparing a more simple lesson. We will be teaching on phrases and idioms involving food and cultural differences in restaurants. Pray for relationship building with those who come and that the same people will keep coming back. We are also hoping it will grow...there were only 4 or 5 last week. 

Also on Friday, I am speaking at Youth Group in front of my students. I will be talking about rejection and finding your identity in Christ. I am excited to share with them, but nervous about being so vulnerable in front of them. Pray that God will work in their hearts and that they will be able to relate to my message. 

2) Chris, our director, is out of town in Buenas Aires. Pray for safe travels and a productive trip.

3) We are still having various problems with the house. Today the sink decided to gush water out the bottom and everything in the cabinet underneath got really wet. This is not the first time this has happened, despite promises that it has been fixed. 

4) I have been praying for focus on my students and my job as a teacher. I have been finding myself looking forward too much to the weekends and not enough on my ministry as a teacher. These students are hard, which is difficult to explain. I rarely receive encouragement from them or see signs that I have made an impact in their lives. However, they are the reason I am here and I have to trust that God is working in their lives, regardless of what I see on the outside. 

5) We have made friends with our dance instructor from a BailoTerapia (Dance therapy) class we went to once. She is married to the lightweight world-champion boxer of Venezuela (cool huh?) and speaks great English. Through conversation, we found out that she is a Christian. We are excited to get to know her better and encourage her in her relationship with the Lord. She also has her cosmetology license and is coming over today to cut our great. 

6) We continue to see our friend from salsa class. She came to a costume party we threw on Saturday. However, we haven't had any good conversations with her lately as most of the time we are in large groups. Pray for continued opportunities. 

7) I still feel pressure to learn Spanish and know my ministry in Caracas could be much more effective if I could communicate. I get to practice in spurts but want to be speaking more. 

I can't believe it's already November. Sure doesn't feel like it outside here. :-) 


  1. Laura, I am praying for you. You gave a good list of things to think about and I'm glad you are writing them down. We can pray for you more specifically, but it will also be wonderful for you someday to be able to look back and see how the Lord has worked in your heart and in those around you. This will be good documentation of the Lord's blessings down the road!
    Love you!

  2. Todd and I were just talking how the weather outside does not match the calendar. It's fun, isn't it?! ;-) Thanks for your post!
