Tuesday, August 10

All ICS staff returns...

All the returning teachers were back at school today. It is so great to see the entire staff and get to meet some who I have only heard about. We got to introduce ourselves in both English and Spanish (Yes I was able to introduce myself in Spanish...super excited about that!) and then all the new teachers were asked to give a testimony on how we came to be in Caracas at ICS. I have learned recently that I love speaking in front of people and enjoyed the opportunity to share how God worked in my heart to bring me here.

As new teachers we are all feeling overwhelmed, although my fellow housemates who have an extensive elementary classroom to get ready, are much more stressed than I am. My room is just about ready. Pictures to come when it is all finished. Only a few more hours or so until I can start focusing on the rest of my 'to-do' list before school starts next Wednesday. I think that either God has given me an unexplainable peace about preparing for this school year or I am in denial because the only emotions I am experiencing right now is an uncontainable excitement to start teaching. Teaching what? Who knows but I can't wait for it! I have met several more of my students and got to talk to returning teachers today about each of them, which was such a blessing. 

Tonight we have called a house meeting. As all housemates are now in Caracas, we have items to discuss such as cleanliness, personality, and cooking. Should be a great time that will hopefully end in a dance party or some great discussions. I love that I have 3 incredible housemates who all have a desire to serve the Lord and further His kingdom by teaching at ICS. I also love that the Shuflins and the Winters are on either side...it's like one big happy family. 

Short stories:

1) I learned today that all my students are a year ahead in math. So the 10th graders that I thought I was teaching Geometry to will actually be taking Algebra 2. Might be a good thing to know before the first day of school! :-)  

2) I killed a mosquito with my bare hands today and chased one with bug spray until fell to the floor lifeless. I'm so proud of myself. The mosquitoes here are vicious, blood-thirsty, and fast. 

3) Today we had hot water for showers. Who knows what tomorrow will bring but I was thankful for running water today. 

4) Salsa rhythms class in Parque Estancia this Saturday. Kayla, Deborah, and I are so there! We are hoping it's like Zumba, but 8 million times better because it's in Venezuela. Good opportunity to overcome my newly acquired fear of the metro. 

5) Have I mentioned that I love Spanish? Because I LOVE Spanish. I want to speak it, hear it, sing it, think it, non-stop. I love being in a Spanish-speaking country! However, I have SO much to learn.

6) I also had time to make coffee this morning. I think it makes a substantial difference in my attitude and energy level. This is going to have to happen more often. 

Spanish paragraph of the day (This is what I told the staff when I introduced myself): 

Me llamo Laura. Soy la profesora de matematica en  el secundario. Soy de Estados Unidos, en Ohio. Mi cosas favoritas en Venezuela es iglesia. 

My name is Laura. I am the math teacher in the high school. I am from the United States, in Ohio. My favorite thing in Venezuela is church. 

Simple yes but it was a whole paragraph. Chevere! (Awesome!)

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